Prompt part 1: HUMANISM Pseudo-Lexicon
15 minutes till regroup / discussion
Create a pseudo-lexicon for your team (Posthumanism or Humanism)
Lexicon = the vocabulary of a person, language, or branch of knowledge.
1 contribution per person. You can work individually or collaboratively. Your contribution can be traditional (linguistic) or non-traditional.
Please be prepared to discuss the ideas behind your contribution. You have 15 minutes to come up with your contribution and post it to the wiki. Group discussion / presentation follows.
- sinful! eating restrictions JUICY
- eavesdropping
- harmony regular
- free flowing
- who
- context/ or?
- stupidity/failure / bad at math / imperfect
- emotion (anger, sadness, happiness, sensitivity)
- smelly stinky messy
- visceral