Church of the RetroPostHumanist Editor
Navigating the Unknown Unknowns
The studio classroom culture is placeless; everywhere, nowhere, and at once.
RetroPostHumanist educators facilitate the time and space for students to have critical exchange; to foster a studio classroom culture where the collective congregates, converses, shares their ideas, and engages with each other. We (the collective) write, re-write, and overwrite the teaching liturgy indexed here. (Students don't receive content; they co-create their educational experience.)
Join us
*the collective = people + machines + nature + people + machines + n
(where machines are editors, where machines are daemons that sort, pattern seek, make-sense for the collective; where nature provides the unpredictable and uncontrollable, but inevitable elements).
The Promise
Navigating the Unknown Unknowns
- Opportunity Divining
- Hacking Not Replication
- Fearlessness
- Future-Proof Creative Innovation
- Egoless Collaboration
- Meta-Detailism (the ability to zoom in and out and across and beyond)
- Navigational Flow
- Actualized Action
Living Liturgy
There are no authors. Everyone is Editor. The collective does not prop up the past, the “precedent”, the “context.” Everyone is in editing mode for all cultural artifacts that came before and that are. This makes the collective all contributors and equals, at once writing, re-writing, and overwriting.
(something about archeology and simultaneity). Editing is traceable, but not individuated. We employ archeology for generation of the new, not replication of the has been.
Our practice is to actively embrace the Unknown Unknowns that will always be.
We engage with the space between nodes (
with the intention of revealing to reveal the Unknowns). The space between nodes, the liminal space, a moment of translation. Translation is a process of shedding, and from that loss/from that void we divine opportunity. We displace individual agency in favor of the collective.
We are the quilt. We gather to make the quilt.
The critique is non-hierarchical. All the ways students could imagine a critique.
Peers critique each other. Peer-to-peer. Critique from non-experts. Critique from cats. Critique as writing. Critique as audio-recording. Critique as song. Critique as workout. Critique as recipe. Critique as food. Critique as meditation. Respond with an object. Forking is critique. No critique.
See the retroposthumanist origins