====== Media Options Test Page ====== **Ideally you want** to keep images around 0.8-1MB and crop them to have a max width and or height of around 1000px. Maybe a bit less, but feel free to play with the format and how the wiki displays them (the main yellow column is large enough, but is always around 50% of the total window’s width size), so larger than that size an image will not be displayed. ===== Google Doc ===== {{url>https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HSNOr0Tb9w7arNJaDBCM_m-N60gul9XZpAz5JgCWChc/pub?embedded=true}} ===== Google Slides ===== {{url>https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1rfQfE-iGEQ1uID2HBFSyZMmgOHdT_CxPtJjp17tvX_w/embed?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000}} ===== Image with Caption ===== [{{:free.jpg?|caption medium long short ♧}}] [{{ward:Screen-Shot-2017-07-07-at-11.54.43-AM.jpg?|ward}}] ===== Multi-page PDF ===== {{pdfjs>:wexler_artcrit2.0_slides.pdf}} ===== Video ==== {{url>https://player.vimeo.com/video/225169177}} ===== Slideshow/Image Gallery ===== {{gallery>:ward}}