ONE THING TO TEACH Denaturalize the tools of graphic design. "The starting point of these reflections was usually a feeling of impatience at the sight of the 'naturalness' with which newspapers, art and common sense constantly dress up a reality which, even though it is the one we live in, is undoubtedly determined by history. In short, in the account given of our contemporary circumstances, I resented seeing Nature and History confused at every turn, and I wanted to track down, in the decorative display of what-goes-without-saying, the ideological abuse which, in my view, is hidden there." - R.B., 1957 PREFACE TO {{ :roland-barthes-mythologies.pdf|**MYTHOLOGIES**}} THREE POSSIBLE STRATEGIES {{:potteries_thinkbelt_2.jpg?nolink|}} {{:potteries_thinkbelt_5.jpg?nolink|}} {{:f106f5eb-9316-4ba9-8852-ef7573c794e5.jpeg?nolink|}} **1. Creating a Space** - Graphic Designer's Thinkbelt - Mobile, accessible, analog, communal, open resource & tools, facilitating (inviting, flatten hierarchy). {{:karenblocks.jpg?nolink|}} **2. Managing an Archive Website** - Resource for documentation. - Resource for upcoming events. - Resources for experimenting. - Digitally accessible. Expanding yet permanent. Managed. {{:daniel_bricks.jpg?nolink|}} **3. Equipping of Tools** - Thumbdrive Exchange (Adobe CS666) - Share of Resources. Tools to share. Information is Free, Marshall McLuhan. Push Back. * **RESOURCES** {{ :cedric_price_-_thinkbelt.pdf|Cedric Price on The Potteries Thinkbelt}} [[|DesignInquiry: DesignCities]] [[martinvenezky.mp3|Martin Venezky on Design Practice, Slowness, and Not Knowing What Design Looks Like Now.]]{{ :martinvenezky.mp3 |}} {{:martinanddaniel.jpg?nolink|}} [[|{{:cuba_s_internet_without_the_internet.jpg?direct}}]] [[|{{:potteries_thinkbelt_2.jpg?direct|External Link}}]]