====== FREEiii SIGN UPS ====== ====== Check ins with Workshop Project ====== Want to talk through an idea or get feedback? We always want to hear what your team is up to! We will be in the [[https://hubs.mozilla.com/HDkAgdp/freeiii|Freeiii Hubs Room]]) from 10am-12pm PST each day and/or you can sign up for individual times that work with your team's schedule! \\ \\ **Wednesday January 20**\\ 1:45pm PST: UUEESSAA (Ultra Ult Eco Enviro Spatial Squish Action Agency)\\ 2:30pm PST: Time-ware Agency in [[https://hubs.mozilla.com/evgmAYD/freeiii-time/ | Time Hubz]]\\ 4pm PST: AntiMatterVerseAgency [[https://hubs.mozilla.com/HDkAgdp/freeiii|FREEiii Hubs Room]]\\ **Thursday January 21**\\ 1pm PST:\\ 2:30pm PST:\\ 4pm PST: UUEESSAA (Ultra Ult Eco Enviro Spatial Squish Action Agency)\\ \\ ====== Social Events ====== Add names and any other necessary instructions/description that we need to know to attend! \\ \\ **Wednesday January 20**:\\ Social Event #1:\\ Social Event #2:\\ **Thursday January 21**:\\ Social Event #3:\\ Social Event #4: RAMON\\