{{pdfjs>:free2018_syllabus.pdf |}}
===== Day 1 Thursday July 12, 2018=====
Create a pseudo-lexicon for your team: Humanism or Posthumanism\\
ONE contribution per person. You can work individually or collaboratively. Your contribution can be traditional (linguistic) or non-traditional. Please be prepared to discuss the ideas behind your contribution. You have 30 minutes to come up with your contribution and post it to the wiki. Group discussion / presentation follows.\\
======You wouldn't believe how many philosophers are afraid of movement. –– Timothy Morton======
===== Day 2 Friday July 13, 2018=====
1. You have 15 minutes. Self-select into the subgroups listed below. The only rule is that each group has to have at least 2 people and you can't switch teams.
**[[humanism_act.0|HUMANISM 2.0]]**\\
2. As a subgroup, identify ONE thing that is critical for students in your HUMANISM 2.0, HYPERHUMANIST, PALEOHUMANIST, PSEUDOPOSTHUMANIST, ULTRAPOSTHUMANIST, or RETROPOSTHUMANIST graphic design program to learn, do or experience.\\
Is it a skill, a body of content, an experience, a language, a process or method? \\
Is it from within graphic design or from outside?\\
3. Propose a tool, a platform and an activity for teaching your one thing.
======''Do or do not. There is no try''. –– Yoda======
===== Day 3 Saturday July 14, 2018=====
Make 3 artifacts of design education for your subgroup.\\
You can make a cohesive set of 3 artifacts or approach them as 3 iterations / points of view.\\
As you make the artifacts, be sure you are also building / planning / making your presentation for tomorrow.\\
Plan to use your presentation to contextualize and document your thinking, process and outcomes.\\
Everything should be posted to the Wiki by 6 pm tonight to: [[free_radical_curricula|Free Radical Curricula]]\\
====== Thus in order to be a "radical" one must be open to the possibility that one's own core assumptions are misconceived —Christopher Hitchens, Letters to a Young Contrarian======
===== Day 4 Sunday July 15, 2018=====
What would you say is the MOST challenging idea or implication in each presentation.\\
What would say is the MOST challenging idea or implication in each presentation.
**A Toast**\\
Regroup into your subgroup. You have 15 minutes to prepare a toast to the future now of design education.